Monday, September 29, 2008

Collage of Pictures

This is our new puppy, Maddie! She is about 3 months old now and she is a yellow lab mix. She has been a wonderful addition to our family.

This was an attempt to take a family picture.

Little Brandon man!

Brandon loves to hold onto his own hands - even while sleeping.

Daddy kisses.

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

Maddie & Kristi love to play together.

This is one of Brandon's favorite things. He loves to spin around and play with all the toys.

Big smile from a big man.

Giggling siblings.

Playing with Connor.

Playing with a new elephant toy.

Kristi loves to hold onto Brandon and help him out whenever she can. Such a sweet girl.

Best Friends!

Jumping on the bed!

One of Kristi and Brandon's favorite things to do together is jump on Kristi's bed. They are both becoming more interested in each other and starting to play more often. It is such a joy to watch them.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kristi Starts Pre-school!

This week Kristi started pre-school at the Willows Child Learning Center. The Willows is a private school and is top rated in the community. Kristi attends on Tuesdays and Thursday and the school year will be in session from the first week of September through May 22nd. She will have school pictures and we will have parent/teacher conferences in October. I am so excited for her!

The pre-school schedule is as follows:

8:30-8:45am Welcome time
8:45-9:10am Open play
9:10-9:35am Craft's
9:35-9:50am Story Time
9:50-10:30am Snack/Outdoor play
10:30-11:00am Teacher lessons
11:00-11:15 Outdoor play/getting ready for dismissal

Here are some first day and second day school pictures.

Entrance to the school.

This is Kristi's cubby.

Kristi's name tag.

One of Kristi's teachers, Ms. Carbone.

The back half of the classroom.

Front half of the classroom.

Bathtime II

A new thing that Brandon loves to do is stand up while holding onto the bath and watching Kristi play in the water. He thinks he is such a big boy! After watching her for a couple of minutes he hops in with her.

They play with the toys together and he loves to "wash" Kristi's hair.

Brandon Swimming

Here are a couple pictures of Brandon swimming with daddy in our backyard. He thought it was pretty fun to splash Kristi.

Just Hanging Out

Here are a few pictures of the kids just hanging out with Grandma. Brandon loves to smile and Grandma was getting a lot of them.

Princess Kristi decided to take a stroll in Grandma's backyard.